miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

Cooking Project

Once we exchanged our Carnival Letters, we decided to do something new. We are starting a new project about cooking. These are the instructions to be given to our students:

1.     Think your group members (1-4 people)
Pensa si ho vols fer sol o en grup (1-4 persones)
2.     Find an easy recipe to cook.
Troba una recepta fàcil de cuinar.
3.     Write down the ingredients, the utensils and the cooking process.  
Anota els ingredients, els materials I el process de cuina.
4.     Use a device to record  (tablet or mobile phone)
Utilitza un aparell per grabar.
5.    Edit your video using an app called WEVIDEO (the video should last around 5 minuts tops).
Edita el teu video utilitzant una aplicació anomenada WEVIDEO (durada del video hauria de ser d’uns 5minuts màxim).
6.    Bring your video to school on a memorystick or e-mail to me: eslgarraf@gmail.com
Porta el video a l’escola en un pendrive o envia-ho per e-mail:

Also, students will have a template to help them develop the activity:


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